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2025 Course Program

Pure Meditation Course

”with Raja~Kriya Yoga ~ how to find, your inner Spiritual Self to gain more peace, more love and more contentment in this lifetime” MYMD

5 day residential Course


MARCH 9-15

MAY 11-17

AUGUST 17-23


Fee $1200 includes tuition, accommodation & all meals


Pure Meditative Peace Class ~ Ideal for those wishing to learn a beginner Meditation practice to calm your mind and help focus 

MAY 31 and dates to suit

individual 1 ½ hrs

Fee $105

Groups 2 hrs

Fee $85 groups 4 or more

Fee includes recommended reading book


Yoga and Meditation Retreats ~

experience Joy, peace, contentment

2 day, 1 night $295

JUNE 14-15, AUGUST 2-3 


Silent Retreats   

free from technology ~to let go of stress, anxiety, & re-focus, re-energise and nurture your whole self

Fee $195 two days 1 night / 2 nights $275



Christmas & Easter Retreats ~ A special opportunity to celebrate this sacred time in the silence in peace and love

Fee $360 for 4 days

New Year Retreat ~ A wonderful way to reflect and look at ways to bring about change for the New Year Dec 30- Jan 1st*

Fee $295 ~ 3 days* $375 ~ 4 days


Personal Retreats ~ Tailor-made to suit your own needs, at times to suit your schedule


Energy Care/Self-Care classes ~ for all in caring/teaching professions and anyone wishing to prevent exhaustion, frustration, feeling overworked & mentally~emotionally drained

March 22 or DATES TO SUIT

~ groups or individual


Hatha Yoga & Relaxation Classes ~ Wonderful for de-stressing, toning muscles, keep joints supple ~ in our fabulous Yoga Studio

Uplifting & Enjoyable! all abilities and ages

January 23 ~ 12 weeks (2x6 wks); 

April 24 ~ 10 wks;

September 18 ~ 10 wks

Individual Relaxation Therapy appointments available


Finding the Joy in Life workshop ~

March 29 10-4pm

Letting go of worry, fear and tension

What is the Meaning of Life ?

Interactive workshop

April 5  10-4pm


How to be a More Positive Person workshop

May 3  10-4pm

Summer Serenity Retreat

July 5-6  Yoga and Healing


Taking Stress out of Your Life ~

July 19  10-4pm

Highly effective ways to reduce, prevent and manage stress

Slow Down and Breathe classes 

Resilience and Self-Empowerment Retreat

September 20-21

Strengthening mind and emotions

Mental Health and Emotional Wellness

October 11  9.30-4.30pm

1 day Emotional detox. Learn how to stay balanced and calm in todays challenging world

Insight into Death and Passing

November 15-16  9.30-4.30pm

Digital Detox Retreat

November 15-16  9.30 4.30pm

Clear you mind with a break from technology. Includes a class on Energy Care for balance and resilience

Christmas Renewal Retreat

December 6  10-4pm

includes an introduction to the Power of Silence


Services available throughout the year ~

~ covered under Blue Cross ~


Intuitive Counselling / Coaching~

1st appt. 1 ¼ hrs $100 / Couples $150


Pure Spiritual Healing ~

1st appt. 1 ¼ hrs $90; subsequent $80


Let us know of any other courses/tuition you would like to receive

~we can customize any topic of your choice, including CORPORATE RETREATS




In the event of cancellation of courses & retreats:

-Two weeks notice or more, we can return all fees, less 15% administration fee.

-Three days to two weeks notice, we can return the accommodation & meals fee only less 15% administration fee.

-Refunds are not given if cancellation is less than 72 hours before the commencement of a course or retreat

Accommodation only options also available






Pure Meditation Course

Pure Meditation is a beautiful, ancient, in-depth practice that has been handed down throughout the centuries and perfected for the modern age by Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma, a Self-Realized Spiritual Master. It will give you all that you need to help you discover and be your true whole self; to be in charge of how you feel and  enhancing your life in so many ways - to be more of unconditional love, peace, wisdom and joy at all times. 


Pure Meditation is like bird-song ~

which brings peace, warms the heart and gently uplifts the spirit.... .


Pure Meditation gives you a lifeline, an anchor to hold steadfast, despite problems, anxiety and chaos in our troubled World. It is a way to connect with the purest, sacred part of ourselves bringing inner peace, strength, calm....and much more

A new start for a new era!

Receive this 5-day in-depth Pure Meditation instruction, under the guidance of Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharmaji, at our beautiful Retreat in the Wentworth Valley. There is daily instruction in a classroom setting on Pure Meditation – taking you a stage deeper each day, as well as advanced teachings to help you progress. There is plenty of opportunity for questions or clarification. 

~ suitable for beginners or established meditators ~



Yoga & Relaxation Classes

For all abilities ~  

in our Yoga/Meditation studio

6 weeks Thursdays 10-11.30am starting January 23


Benefit from our Sevalight Hatha Yoga classes in our fabulous new

Yoga Studio :

~ release stress & tension

~ breathe more naturally

     ~ relax deeply at end of class

         ~ appreciate and love your body

     ~ improve your overall health


The Yoga that we teach can be adapted to suit everyone's individual ability

We help our students to attune to their body and its needs to release stress and tension, to induce deep calm for your mind~emotions and promote self-healing

We have 28 years' experience teaching Yoga


Pre-Registration required please Fee; $72 for 6 weeks ($12 per class)



Holistic Treatments available:

Pure Spiritual Healing

    The original form of healing that has no limits to what it can achieve. It is gentle and non-invasive, but very powerful. It works on the root cause of any problem to help restore balance and strength to every part of you, including the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It gives a wonderful boost to the body's immune system. All that is really needed is an open mind and a willingness to try it for it to be very effective for any condition or situation.
Please note that appointments can be in-person or via Zoom and are now covered by many health plans.  

Intuitive Counselling      

     We all need at some time in our life to reach out to others for help and there is no shame or weakness in this. Family, relatives and friends can have their part to play, but sometimes we need to go that one step further and seek help from a professional Counsellor - someone who can be completely objective and there for us 100% with no judgement or criticism - only unconditional love, understanding and wisdom.

   No two problems and no two people are exactly the same, so an Intuitive Counsellor treats each of their clients as a unique individual . They understand that problems can make a person feel stuck in a situation, not knowing what else to do  and how to move through and forward from it.

   They are able to give guidance  on how you can see and deal with any problem in different ways ~ ways you may not of thought of; to see opportunities where perhaps there didn't seem to be any.

   Intuitive Counsellors can teach you highly effective tools and techniques to empower you.


   Whatever your situation and however hopeless it may seem, there is a way through it. Here at the Centre can help you find it. Why not contact Mark or Alexandria Nunn

today                    or when you are ready - we are always here for you, ready, able and willing to help.
   Please note that appointments are now covered by Blue Cross and some other Health Plans and can be in-person or via Zoom.



Intuitive Counselling

for Children and Teenagers


   Today's world is a challenging one for us all, including children. There is much more stress and complexity. So what can be done to help those having challenges in staying happy, focused, calm and balanced? Well, one answer is for them to receive loving, caring and expert Intuitive Counselling.


Children can need counselling for many different reasons, including disruptive behaviour, peer pressure, bullying etc. Their lives can be very busy, with time outside of school full of activities, including lots of screen time. They can need help in managing all of this, and to learn how to switch-off from so many sensory distractions; learning and experiencing the therapeutic effects of quiet times, where their minds are not always active can be really helpful; and to learn simple, effective coping skills to deal with any challenging feeling or events that they encounter.  


Intuitive Counselling also empowers children to understand others, see things from others' perspective and how others might be feeling; they then can become more caring, compassionate and accepting of others and their differences.



   Teenage years are not always easy. It's a time of change where one can feel very uncertain and be looking for a greater sense of identity.

   It is often a time for experimenting with drugs, alcohol and a variety of different behaviours that aren't always the healthiest. There is an increasing awareness of sexuality, pressures from social media; a greater need to start making choices that didn't need to be made as a child which can feel overwhelming and confusing.


High levels of stress, anxiety, depression and low levels of confidence and self esteem can develop. There can be feelings of anger, frustration, grief, over-sensitivity and a mental withdrawal or 'shutting-down'.


Dealing with all of these things can be very challenging and for some can lead to mental health issues and addictions.


A professionally qualified Intuitive Counsellor can help teenagers to trust and have confidence in themselves; to manage and channel their energy into healthy and progressive pursuits. They listen to how they are feeling, with no judgment or reaction, and help them see different options and choices. Effective tools and techniques can be taught.

Appointments can be in person or by telephone or via Zoom

Energy Care & Well-Being


an on-line or in-person course to teach you Resilience

and how to avoid Stress, Anxiety, Exhaustion

   This fascinating and informative Course is for anyone who knows they could be taking better care of themselves yet don't find it easy to always get it right in today's often chaotic and stressful world.


This advanced and unique Course is easy to follow and assimilate and will help you to build upon your existing skills, showing you how to avoid exhaustion, frustration, stress, feeling overwhelmed etc. ~ and replace these with resilience, peace, calm, fulfillment and balance.


Cutting edge Tools and Techniques as well as practical suggestions are  taught to help change negative emotions; to be much more in charge of how you feel - all of the time! and achieve a healthy balance between work and home life!

Facilitated by certified Energy Care professionals with 28 years' experience,


We lovingly invite you to reach out to us if you are in need of help in any way, with the truly holistic therapies we offer ~ let us know what your concerns are and we can suggest a unique programme just for you.

In Light and Love and every blessing 

Mark & Alexandria

- we are not about profit -

Accreditation for most Health Care Plans 



Pure Meditation Course (5 days) - Please contact us


Pure Meditative Peace with Mindfulness

 1-2 hours $105 (incl. recommended reading)

group rate min 6 per person $65

Energy Care & Wellbeing 

  -2 sessions or 1 day $225

  -Individual session (1hr)  $60

Yoga Therapy 1 hour $65

Yoga Classes 8 weeks $96

Retreats from $75 for 1 day

~ direct billing to Health Care Providers under Naturopathy available

Mark and Alexandria established Self Realization Meditation Healing Centre in 1995 on the Sunshine Coast, B.C. with healing practices in Vancouver and Powell River, where they worked with medical doctors, mental health and other health practitioners. 

Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharmaji ~ the centre's Guru, is a Self-Realized Master whose God given mission and role is to draw souls closer to the Light. She is here on earth to help all who ask to find peace, unconditional love, wisdom and joy, and discover their soul`s purpose in this lifetime.
   Through Pure Meditation Mata Yoganandaji gives us all the knowledge, tools and techniques to successfully navigate the often turbulent waters of everyday living and help deliver us to a tranquil harbour of bliss.
   To find out more of how Mata Yoganandaji`s unconditional love and great wisdom can help you, please contact us or visit

Books and C.D.'s available by Mataji


Come (Mata Yoganandaji's Autobiography)

Self Realization Through Pure Meditation

The Truth Eternal

Gods in the Making

Visualizations For You (Book and C.D)


   Perfect Thoughts (Song Chants)

   Exercise Mobility and Winged Prayer

Altars of Peace and Love


Image by Zetong Li
Pure Meditation
Course Programme
Intuitive Counselling
For Children and Teenagers
Pure Spiritual Healing
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